
Pinkfresh Studio “Happiness” Release Blog Hop Info

május 31, 2024

Friends! Thank you for joining m
e for the Pinkfresh Studio  "Happiness" Card Release Blog Hop! If you’re hopping along with us, you should have arrived here from Andrea Moritz and your next stop is  Anne Fiene but, if this is your starting point, I’d like to invite you to start from → Pinkfresh Blog. Clicking the direct link will take you directly to the full list on this hop. You can find the all the other Links at the end of this post!

For the "Happiness" release, I crafted a vibrant trio of cards using the Modern Rug stencil Modern Rug stencil set. My assignment was very similar to last month's. I was working with this fun background stencil set and I had to explore the possibilities of using it. Selecting the perfect color palette was crucial again. I choose ink colors, that work together well.
On this stencil the colors don't overlap each other, so you don't blend them together, they just sit next to each other, creating a full background, like a modern rug.

This was the first background I made. The colors are in the order :
Stencil 1: Bay Leaf
Stencil 2: Mimosa
Stencil 3: Spanish Moss
Stencil 4: Limoncello
Stencil 5: Sunkissed

I ink blended lightly as I want to adhere some lovely florals on top, and this way it won't be too busy. I die cut the panel using the second largest Folk Edge rectangle die, so it has a lovely white frame with the card base. I adhered the panel to the cardbase using foam tape. 

I stamped and heat embossed the Be Fearless flowers with white embossing powder. To watercolor the flowers, I used Pinkfresh premium inks in Spanish Moss and Mimosa. I dabbed the inks on my glass mat, added some water, and picked up the colors with my brush. I stamped three sentiments directly on the panel with Mimosa ink. The main sentiment is stamped with Spanish Moss and adhered with foam tape.

Using a craft knife, I cut a few slits in the panel to tuck the flowers and leaves behind. I splattered some Mimosa ink for added effect (though it got a bit messy 😜). 

Creating the second card was basically the same process, but I changed up the colors and the design a little bit.

Stencil 1: Sage
Stencil 2: Sky Blue
Stencil 3: Limoncello
Stencil 4: Ocean Breeze
Stencil 5: Mint

The third card had a bit darker, because I applied them with more pressure, and also more contrast.
Stencil 1: Sunkissed
Stencil 2: Ocean Breeze
Stencil 3: Citron
Stencil 4: Summer Shower
Stencil 5: Mimosa

I wanted to give a modern feel to it, and my idea was to cut some of the rectangles and raise them with foam tape. I added the leftover flowers and stamped the sentiment directly on the cardpanel.

I made a Reel creating these cards and you are going to see them soon, first at Pinkfresh IG channel, and later on mine as well.

Don't miss tomorrow's IG hop! To celebrate this release, Pinkfresh Studio is giving away the full release on Pinkfresh blog & YouTube channel ! Be sure to comment there too, don't miss! Pinkfresh Studio is giving away a total of ten $25 gift cards along the blog hop for ten lucky winners. The winners will be picked from the comments from the blog posts, so also here under my blog post ♥ 

IMPORTANT! The winners will be pulled by Pinkfresh Studio and they will be posted on June 11 2024, on Pinkfresh Giveaway Page. Don't forget to check this page & claim your prize within two weeks!! 

The links in this post are including affiliate links. This simply means if you are inspired by my work please click on my links if you plan to purchase something from Pinkfresh Studio or When you visit these shops by clicking my links and you purchase anything, than I receive a small commission from the shop, and this costs you nothing just a click. Thank you for your support! Have a wonderful day!!!

Thank you so much visiting my blog and enjoy the rest of the hop!
Also check my Instagram where I am the most active. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

62 megjegyzés:

  1. I love how much dimension you give this and the tucking in of the little flower makes it so sweet. Thanks

  2. Such pretty cards- your backgrounds turned out beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful cards! I love the stenciled backgrounds and the colors that you chose.

  4. Beautiful cards! So Pink and Fresh!

  5. Gorgeous cards! Love that new stencil!

  6. Lovely layers, colors and design.--Kathy Witt

  7. Your cards are beautiful. I love all the layers and the backgrounds perfect.

  8. Love the rug stencils! Very new and unique!

  9. Such a beautiful way to highlight this stencil, love how on the one card you popped up some of the elements.

  10. Such a wonderful job showing how this new stencil can be used with different colors and products. You never disappoint. thank you

  11. These cards are so cheery and fun!

  12. These are amazing! I LOVE the colorblock stenciling! Great designs!!!

  13. Annette, your cards are beautiful. The frames die is genius.

  14. Ooh interesting… was wondering how the rug stencil worked! Turned out so beautiful! Lovely cards!

  15. How absolutely Unique all of your cards are! makes me want to buy the stencils to try my hand at creating my own cards.

  16. Debbie Rollins, love how you demonstrated so many color combinations with this stencil. It is very unique. Definitely want to try on a layout for a background too!

  17. I love all of these cards. That stencil is a winner.

  18. Love your examples! Great color combos.

  19. Jeannie Hartenfels
    Love the cards using the stencils. Beautiful.

  20. Your trio of cards are beautiful! Love the different color combos you used.

  21. I love the aqua and yellow card. It's soft and pretty.

  22. such different color combos...My favorite is the blues! Lovely inspiration

  23. Love that you show us different ways to use the same product!

  24. Gorgeous cards! I love the colors!

  25. Your cards are very beautiful.

  26. I love love love your use of colors on the rug and how you collaged it!

  27. Beautiful cards! I love the colors, too! The raised rectangles add such great dimension to your card!

  28. A bevvie of patchwork beauties! Love the orange and teal dimensional card

  29. Be Fearless is my favorite from this release! Awesome cards!

  30. Thank you for sharing you stencil color guide. Beautiful cards. Beautiful products.

  31. Marisela Delgado said: You always make such beautiful things!

  32. I wasn't sure about the Modern Rug Stencil, but I love the way you used it.

  33. I love that you cut slits and tucked things in...genius!

  34. The layers you created on all three cards using the stenciled backgrounds is so interesting and colorful. Combined with the die cut stamped images you have depth and texture.

  35. I love the color combinations on these cards. They feel soft and vibrant all at the same time.

  36. THANKS for the tutorial! Lovely card examples.

  37. Your cards are stunning. I love the variety of colors you picked for the stencil. Sweet Release!

  38. Gorgeous cards! Love the colors.

  39. After seeing your beautiful cards, maybe I do need that stencil set! Fab inspiration!

  40. That modern rugs stencil give such a cool look.

  41. These are all so pretty! Beautiful colors and flowers! Love the stencils!

  42. Such beautiful cards! Your backgrounds are gorgeous!

  43. Oh my goodness, such STUNNING inspiration!!! LOVE your cards!!

  44. Lauryne Cunninghamjúnius 03, 2024 9:42 de.

    I love all the different looks you created with this background stencil! Beautiful cards!

  45. Gorgeous cards! Love the designs.

  46. I love your color selections and design choices, Anett! Your cards are fresh and beautiful!

  47. Love the color combos. Kirsten Sykes

  48. Love the color scheme and the Modern rug stencil use on the cards. Beautiful!

  49. I like your choice of colors for the backgrounds and flowers on this trio of cards.

  50. Absolutely Gorgeous cards! I love the soft colors & designs!

  51. This is a complicated stamp. I would not have had a clue how to use it. Now, after seeing your cards, I want to give it a go. (but trust me, I would be using your color suggestions!)

  52. You make the rug stencil look wonderful!

  53. Lovely cards made with that new rug stencil! Thanks for the inspiration!

  54. I LOVE your color schemes! You used only a few colors per card, and they are gorgeous!! No rainbows here! :)


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